Davis, Leonard 1 2

Birth Name Davis, Leonard
Gender male
Age at Death 74 years, 4 months, 16 days


Death date may be 1817-08-25.


WILL: Clark Co., KY, Vol. 4, Pg. 211
Written: May 17, 1816

In the name of God amen. I Leonard Davis of Clark County and state of Kentucky
being in good health and in sound mind and memory. Calling to mind the
mortality of this body and the certainty of death when it shall please God to
call me home do make ordain and deliver this my Last Will and Testament
revoking and disallowing by these ______ all other testaments, wills or wills
heretofore by me made and this only to be taken for my Last Will and Testament
and none other. And now, for the settling of my real estate and such goods and
chattels as it has pleased God to bless me with. I do ordain, give and dispose
the same in the following manner. First I will that all my just debts be
paid. Secondly I will the balance and whole of my estate including all
legacies theretofore given to me or which may be hereafter given me, be the same
either real estate or personal, to my children (to wit)
Augustus Davis, Elizabeth Watts, Frances Bush,
Marey Cullum, Jane Hampton, Mathew Davis, Sarrah Oliver & Nancey Vandiver
[Vandeveer] to be equally divided amongst them all. Either by sail [sic] or
otherwise as a majority of them may chuse [sic]. Given under my hand and seal
this 17 day of May 1816.
Leonard X Davis

P.S. If my beloved wife Marey Davis should live anytime longer than I do, my
will is that she shall have the use of the whole of my estate, both real and
personal, during her natural lifetime or widowhood-date as above.

Leonard X Davis

D. Hampton
Claibourn Cox


At a court held for Clarke County 25 August 1817

This Last Will and Testament of Leonard David [sic]deceased was produced
in open Court and proven according to law by the oaths of David Hampton and
Claibourn Cox. Witnesses hereto subscribed an ordered to be recorded.

Albemarle Co., VA Deed Bk. 9, pp 211-213, shows land sold by Leonard Davis and wife, Mary, 20 Feb 1786, to Thomas Stone.


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1742 King William Co., Virginia, United States of America    
Death 17 May 1816 Clark Co., Kentucky, United States of America    


Family of Davis, Leonard and Ballard, Mary

Married Wife Ballard, Mary ( * about 1746 + May 1816 )
Name Birth Date Death Date
Davis, Elizabeth22 January 17721835


    1. Davis, Leonard
      1. Ballard, Mary
        1. Davis, Elizabeth