
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Huber. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner
Huber, Anna Elizabeth 23 January 1715 1744 Groff, Marcus
Huber, Christina about 1710   Groff, Samuel
Huber, Conrad about 1535 6 January 1594
Huber, Elsbeth about 1554   Schnebli, Jacob
Huber, Hans 1589 between 1649 and 1670 Vollenweider, Barbel
Huber, Hans Heinrich about September 1663 October 1750 Koch, Margaret
Huber, Hans Jacob about 1633 4 January 1696 Buman, Barbara
Huber, Jacob about 1560 between 1610 and 1634 Ringger, Barbara
Huber, Katarina Verena 1545 19 April 1622 Bär, Hans
Huber, Katharina   after 1504 Näf, Hans
Huber, Katharina 1470 1504 Näf, Hans
Huber, Uli 1440 about 1500 Unknown, Adelheid (wife of Uli Huber)
Huber, Verena 1554 10 February 1628 Näf, Ulrich
Huber, Veronica about 1720   Witwer, Michael