Koester, John William 1 2

Birth Name Koester, John William
Gender male
Age at Death 72 years, 11 months, 19 days


Stone at Sts. Peters and Pauls Cemetery in Hamburg, NY reads John W. Koster

John's birth records list his name as John Jacob, born 30 September, 1852. However, all of his adult records, including naturalization records and death certificate, list his name as John William Koester, born 15 October,1852. Don't know the reason for the change. William may be a confirmation name, but records not found. Not sure why discrepancy on birthdate. Could be baptism date.

Country: Prussia
Final Destination: United States
Manifest ID Number: 00007693
Ship's Name: Powhattan
Port of Embarkation: Rotterdam
Date of Arrival: Nov 29, 1853
Captain's Name: Wm. Myers
Purpose for Travel: Staying in the USA
Mode of Travel: Steerage


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 15 October 1852 Dingden, Westfalen, Germany    
Death 3 October 1925 Hamburg, Erie Co., New York, United States of America    
Immigration 29 November 1853      


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Koesters, Joannes Wilhelm12 January 181013 October 1877
Mother Mouve, Maria Catharina6 January 18261853
         Koester, John William 15 October 1852 3 October 1925


Family of Koester, John William and Kruse, Catherine Aleida

Unknown Partner Kruse, Catherine Aleida ( * 5 February 1853 + 24 October 1903 )
Name Birth Date Death Date
Koster, William28 October 187624 October 1964

Family Map

Family Map